Is Maintenance Phase Mythology Keeping You From Lasting Weight Loss?
How you lose weight is how you have to live.
Choose wisely.
Most people know that keeping weight off involves lifestyle changes (I’ve come to dislike the term because it sounds far too breezy to fully describe what’s actually needed) but still cling to the idea that losing weight and carrying on with that weight are separate stages.
They are not.
There isn’t one way to lose weight and a different way to live at that weight. There is how you live and the body that produces, nothing else.
Part of the reason we hold bad ideas like a maintenance phase is that we’ve come only to understand weight loss through diet culture frameworks and marketing. You deprive to lose and then go on about your regular life.
The rub is that it’s your regular life that caused the weight gain in the first place.
A few of the things diets aren’t designed to address:
- Family get-togethers
- Significant others pushing you into obesogenic activities
- How to navigate modern life
- How to be consistent with your movement practices
- How to eat without needing to track or journal
- Self-soothing past traumas
Let’s say you lose weight with an app (or keto, whole 30, fasting) and, in doing, side-stepped all these issues by strictly adhering to the plan. Now, you’ve lost the weight and are ready to loosen up to rejoin your life.
Yes, to a happy hour. Sure to a consumptive vacation. Why not to friend time in a restaurant instead of a walk? Before you know it, the weight is back, and maybe more.
This is why diets fail at the rate of 90%. This is also why the only way forward is to abandon diets, goal weights, and ideas a healthy weight can be accomplished in 15 minutes a day.
You do not have to deprive yourself or work out like a maniac to lose weight. When I lost 50 pounds 11 years ago, I focused on what I could sustainably live with each day and let my weight fall naturally. Even I was shocked at how well that worked.
Today, I teach my clients to focus on their thinking, emotions, and time allocation to change their bodies. That’s what produces a durable loss.
They don’t pressure their bodies to change. They pressure their lives to change and then realize their healthy weight–for life.
We built a FREE workshop to show you a different (and much better way to lose weight).
You'll learn these insights:
1. The exact way to make healthy eating a breeze—without relying on willpower (or motivation) at ALL
2. How to spot what’s really sabotaging your self-control (and keeping you STUCK) without having to go on another diet
3. How to ENJOY your food–without measuring, weighing, or counting a thing
"What a terrific presentation! I wish it had been available to me years ago." - Kathleen
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